HTML5 Course Online - Chapter 1 | Learn HTML5 Online

HTML stands for HyperText Markup Language where Markup Language is a language that provides a way to describe the structure of a web page. Specifying how the text or graphics are displayed on the web page.

What is a web page?

A web page is a hypertext document on the World Wide Web.

Types of web pages

  1.        Static
  2.        Dynamic
1. Static:- The static web pages are delivered to the users exactly as these are stored.
2. Dynamic:- In dynamic web pages, the content is rendered at the time of the request.

HTML Page Contains following structural Tags:-
  1.                   <!Doctype Html>
  2.            <Html>
  3.            <Head>
  4.            <Body>

<!Doctype Html>:- Provides instruction to the browser about the version of the HTML.
<HTML>:- Specifies to the browser that a document is an HTML document.
<Head>:- Used to describe the header of the HTML document.
<Body>:- The <Body> tag sets the boundary for the content in HTML document.

<!Doctype Html>
-------Global settings using tags used within head section--------
Contains the main content of the web page

Exploring the Head Tag:-
  1. Title
  2. Meta
  3. Base
  4. Style
  5. Link
  6. Script
  7. NoScript

Title:- Title tag defines the title of the document that appears in the title bar of the browser window.

<title>Write the title here</title>

Meta:- The <Meta> tag provides additional information about the current document in the form of name and value pairs, such as the expiry date, author name, and list of keywords.

<Meta name=”description” content = “HTML Content”>
<Meta name =”Keywords” content = “ Rahul, Sharma’s, Personal, Blog”>
<Meta name = “author” content = “Rahul Sharma”>

  1. Author:- Specifies the name of the author who has created the document.
  2. Description:- Specifies a short summary of the content of the web page.
  3. Keywords:- Specifies the keywords used in the web page.

<Base>:- The Base tag specifies a base URL or address of the related links on a page.

<Base href = “D:/images”>    /* Absolute path of the folder that contains all the image*/
<img src = “imagename.jpg”>  /* Just specify the name of the image with their extension*/

<Style>:- The style tag defines the style information associated with the HTML document.

<style type = “text/css”>
------Write CSS Code here----

<Link>:- The Link tag is used to establish the relationship of the current document with other documents on a website.

<Link type=”text/css” rel=”stylesheet” href=”style.css”> /* you can link your external stylesheet or css and javascript file in this way, style.css is the name of the file*/
For javascript
<link type=””text/javascript” href=”javascript.js”> /* javascript.js is the name of the file*/

<Script>:- Script tag specifies the client-side script, such as javascript associated with the document.

<script type=”text/javascript”>
------javascript code here-----

<Noscript>:- Noscript tag displays alternate content on the browsers on which the script has been disabled or on the browser that does not support the client-side scripting.

<script type=”text/javascript”>
Alert(“Welcome to Rahul Sharma’s Blog”);
Your browser does not support scripts.

Exploring the Body Tag:-

Applyting Headings:-

<H1> To <H6>. <h1> being the biggest and <h6> being the smallest.

<!Doctype html>
<h1>Heading Tag Demo</h1>
<h2>Heading Tag Demo</h2>
<h3>Heading Tag Demo</h3>
<h4>Heading Tag Demo</h4>
<h5>Heading Tag Demo</h5>
<h6>Heading Tag Demo</h6>


<P> :-

The <p> tag adds a new paragraph in the HTML document. It specifies that there is a break in the content to begin a new paragraph.


The details tag specifies the additional content that a user can view and hide as per the requirement.


The summary tag specifies a heading for the details tag.

<!Doctype html>
<p>Welcome to Rahul Sharma's Blog</p>
<summary>Country Names</summary>


The <div> tag is used to define a section in a document.


The <span> tag enables you to group and apply styles to inline elements.

<!Doctype html>
<p>This is the<span style="color:red;"> demo</span> of div tag</p>


Formatting a web page:-


The <B> tag is used to make the text boldface.


The <I> tag is used to italicize the text.


The <u> tag is used to underline the text.


The <LI> tag is used to create a list.

Types of lists used in HTML:-

  1.        Ordered numbered list
  2.        Unordered or bulleted list
  3.         Definition list

Order List:-

An ordered list represents a set of items in a sequence or an order. The tag for the ordered list is <OL>.

Unordered List:-

An unordered list represents a set of related items that do not need to follow a specific order. The tag used for an unordered list is the <UL> tag.

Definition List:-

A definition list is used when one or more terms and their definitions are to be included in an HTML document. The definition list is represented by the <DL> tag. It contains two other tags <DT> and <DD>.

<DT>:- Stands for Data Term.

<DD>:- stands for Data Definition.


The <br> tag is used to insert a single line break.


The <HR> tag adds a horizontal rule in a web page. A rule is a straight line. The <HR> tag is an empty tag.

<!Doctype html>
<p>Welcome to Rahul Sharma's Blog</p>
<p><b><i><u>This is the formatting of a web page</u></i></b></p>
<ol type="i">
<DD>Hyper Text Markup Language</DD>


Types of TAG:-
  •         Paired Tag
  •          Empty Tag

Paired Tag:- Needs to be closed.
For e.g:- <HTML></HTML>, <P></p> etc.

Empty Tag:- No need to be closed.
For e.g:- <HR>

Inserting Image

<img src="path of the image here" height="200" width="300" alt="alternate text for image">


The alt attribute is used to specify an alternate text for an image. This text is displayed if the image cannot be displayed on the browser.

Adding Navigation Links:-

<a href=”name of the html page you want to navigate”> Text to display the user here</a>


The href attribute specifies the URL of the documents that open on clicking the Hyperlink.

Adding Multimedia Components:-

  1. <Audio>
  2. <Video>

<Audio>:- Used to add an audio file on a web page.

<Audio src=”path of the audio file” autoplay=”autoplay” controls=”controls” loop=”loop”></audio>

<Video>:- Used to add a video file on the web page.

<video src=”Path of the video file” autoplay=”autoplay” controls=”controls” loop=”loop” height=”300” width=”400”></video>



The <Meter> tag specifies a scalar measurement within a known range. It is also known as gauge. It can be used to display disk usage.

<Meter value=”4” min=”0” max=”10”></Meter>



The <Progress> tag is used to display the progress of a task.


Max:-Specifies the amount of work a task requires.
Value:-Specifies the amount of task that has been completed.

<Progress value=”12” max=”100”></Progress>

Identifying Semantic Tags:-
  1. <HGROUP>
  2. <ARTICLE>
  3. <ASIDE>
  4. <HEADER>
  5. <FOOTER>
  6. <NAV>
  7. <FIGURE>


Consider a situation where you need to group related headings and subtitles together.
For example:-

<h1>Book Your Hotel</h1>
<h2>Rating of the hotels</h2>


The <ARTICLE> tag defines independent or self-contained content. It is mostly used to specify an independent entry for a blog or a magazine.
For example:-


The <Aside> tag specifies the content other than the main tag, such as a note or a tip. However, it should be related to the main content.
For example:-


The <Header> tag is used to group introductory headings or navigational links. You can use multiple <Header> tags in your documents.
For example:-


The <Footer> tag is used to represent the footer for a web page or a section of a web page.
For example:-


The <nav> tag enables you to group links created by using the <A> tag in such a way that looks more semantic and structured. All the major navigational links are generally grouped inside the <nav> tag.
For example:-


The <Figure> tag is used to specify the self-contained content, such as images, Diagrams, Photos, and code and an associated caption with it. 
